There is only one Bionic Reading®. Our reading method from Switzerland.
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International Awards for Bionic Reading®. Gold in the category “Excellence in Business to Business” for “Information Technologies, Functional Software” and in the category “Apps” for “Excellent Communications Design”.
Professor Cathomas explains how we learn to read.
Bionic Reading® and other very interesting aspects of reading have been compiled by SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen) in a video for children. The program is called “Minisguard”. The spoken language is the 4th Swiss national language “Romansh”. Professor Rico Cathomas from the Pädagogische Hochschule Graubünden (University of Teacher Education) explains impressively how we learn to read. ©SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, SRG SSR
6 Apps.
Free or Premium.
Bionic Reading® for Apple iOS and macOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows, Google Chrome and Web. We offer you the free version “Discover” and the subscriptions “Premium” and “Premium Plus”.
NOTE: It’s very important that your login method remains consistent. Your initial registration is crucial and is then applicable for all other App logins.
How it works.
It’s very quick and easy.
In order to use the features of the “Premium” and “Premium Plus” subscriptions, we need your registration. For the free version “Discover” there is no registration necessary.
Here’s how to register and use it.
You can manage your subscription in the Bionic Reading® Web App, Apple iOS Settings, or Google Android Settings.
- Press the button “Get App”.
- Press the “Profil icon” (top right corner).
- Choose one login method that you have to use for all Apps (“email” or “Google” or “Apple”).
NOTE: It’s very important that your login method remains consistent. Your initial registration is crucial and is then applicable for all other App logins. - Register with “Sign in with email”, “Sign in with Google” or “Sign in with Apple”.
- Choose your subscription.
- Now you are registered and have the subscription “Premium” or “Premium Plus”. Annually or monthly.
- Now you can download the Bionic Reading® Apps from the “Apple App Store” for iOS and macOS (macOs, direct download), “Google Play Store” for Android, “Microsoft Store” for Windows and “Google Chrome Extensions” for Chrome and log in once.
That’s all. We wish you a lot of fun and success.
We thank you.
Because you have demonstrated a dramatic improvement in your reading performance with our solution. You have liked, shared and commented positively on our reading method millions of times as a user and fan.
We simply say thank you.
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“Having ADHD and processing issues means that I read very slow because my brain can’t focus on the words enough to both read them and process what they mean at a decent pace. Using Bionic Reading® has allowed me to feel functional and productive when I’m reading something lengthy – it’s such a GAME CHANGER! I can’t wait for more products and platforms to integrate with Bionic Reading®, so everything becomes more accessible.”
Bionic Reading® Support.
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Bionic Reading® Apps.
Bionic Reading® for Microsoft Word.
Only valid for first order.
Text. File. Website.
Our interface.
Reduced and clean.
Concentrate on the essentials. We create a virtual space of calm for you, so you can absorb texts faster. Smartphone. Notebook. Tablet. Laptop. Desktop Computer. No matter. Upload Text, File or Website, convert and read in all Bionic Reading® Apps.

Bionic Reading®
Bionic Reading® Reader to enjoy reading directly in all Apps. You can now smoothly continue your reading experience across platforms, as the last reading position is saved. And Bookmarks now allow you to mark your favorite pages.

Bionic Reading®
Bionic Reading® Library for all your favorites. All your uploads together in an overview. Or for your files like DOCX, TXT, RTF and EPUB. Note: Files without DRM protection (doesn’t work with e.g. Kindle books).

Your content.
Synced content to all your Bionic Reading® Apps. Start with your Bionic Reading® Desktop App, then switch to your Tablet or Smartphone App. Just the way you like it.

More individual.
Your efficiency.
Our reading method is based on our Bionic Reading® Matrix, developed over many years. Fixation. Saccade. Letters. Advanced Bionic Reading® settings with Part of speech. Opacity. Details. Display.

Tap here to read more.
With “Fixation” you define the expression of the letter combinations. Choose a value from 1 to 5. 3 is defined as the base value.
With “Saccade” you define the visual jumps from Fixation to Fixation. Choose a value from 10 to 50. 10 is defined as the base value.
With “Letters” you define your personal selection of Fixation and Saccade. Your defined settings for Fixation and Saccade are used by the Bionic Reading® algorithm.
With “Syllables” the syllables of the word are used as a basis for the Fixation. For monosyllabic words, your Fixation setting is taken into account.
With “Advanced Settings” you decide which part of speech the Bionic Reading® algorithm should consider. Maybe you only want to read nouns, verbs and adjectives with Bionic Reading®. It’s your decision.
With “Opacity” you define the visibility of your Fixation. You can also adjust the visibility of the remaining letters individually to your needs. Choose a value from 100 to 0. 100 is defined as the base.
With “Details” you refine your individual Bionic Reading reading mode. Choose your preferred “Font” and “Font Size” and adjust the “Line Height”. With “Letter Spacing” you change the space between the letters and with “Column Width” you give your text the right frame.
With “Display” you can change the color and opacity for the text and background of your Bionic Reading® Reader. Of course you can choose between light mode and dark mode. Just try it.
Read individually.
Unique like you.
The Bionic Reading® reading method can be individually adapted to the needs of all readers. This flexibility allows Bionic Reading® to provide maximum customization for all users. Light Mode. Dark Mode. Carefully selected Fonts. Designed for the Latin alphabet.

Your reading method.
Send to.
Download as Word file. Define your individual reading setting in our Bionic Reading® Apps and then use “Send to Amazon® Kindle”, “Download as EPUB”, “Download as PDF” or “Download as WORD”.

Bionic Reading® is for you.
Bionic Reading® is for Emily, Sangeeth, Angela, Patrick, … and for you.
“I have always struggled with reading and I am able to read faster than my sister with Bionic Reading®. I am begging yall to please get this format on Amazon Kindle.”
“I’ve just came across this website thanks to ‘Reeder’. I find this absolutely amazing and was wondering if there is any way I could use this to read eBooks?”
“When I first read this text about Bionic Reading® it made me cry! I couldn’t believe how easy it was to read. I was so excited as this is a game changer for me. My husband brought me a Kobo tablet and I rebought one of the many books I want to read but find to tiring/difficult. Unfortunately to my great disappointment I cant convert books as they see protected by copyrights. Is it possible for me to buy ebooks and convert the text so I can actually read them? This is by FAR the easiest text I’ve ever seen. If you can, please help.”
Patrick and Daniel
“OK, Bionic Reading® is the real deal. I already read quickly, but I read twice as fast with Bionic Reading®.” Reaction from Daniel: “You’re not joking!”
“WOW! I was able to read quickly and fluently with Bionic Reading®. It allowed me to understand the context of the paragraph much better than when I have to squint and focus on every word, which not only tires me out, but also makes me lose track of what I’m reading. Bionic Reading® is brilliant!”
“I haven’t read fiction for 20 years. I read what I needed to read. It almost hurts my brain to read normal font. But now I’m going to read fiction again! Bionic Reading® works for me and I can read 2–3 times faster! AMAZING! This is a LIFE CHANGER! Thank you so much!”
“I’m a high school student (18, obviously reads many papers/books) and have been using mac for 12 years, alongside iPad and iPhone, and productivity and minimalism are what I value the most. I learned about Bionic Reading® through the Reeders news app. As soon as I toggled the Bionic Reading® function, I was stunned by how quickly I could read. Jaw-dropping.”
“Hi there. I learned of you project through ‘Reeder’ and I really like it. Being dyslexic this really helps me reading a lot faster than I normally do. Keep up the great work and hope to see you on Safari soon.”
“Your tool is gorgeous, It’s helping me a lot. My sight is reduced because one of my transplanted corneas has become opaque and Bionic Reading® is helping me a lot to read easier and comprehend faster.”
“For years I have struggled in school with reading and comprehension after a short period of time. I used to read super fast, then it all went downhill after 3rd grade. I was devastated that I couldn’t experience books like the other kids, because I did love to read, but it became more of a chore than anything with my disability. When I discovered Bionic Reading®, it honestly felt like a dream come true. I will be starting college confident in my ability to learn and process when taking online classes. This will help me in day-to-day life. I only wish it was available sooner!”
We have dedicated a whole page to Marco’s feedback. My hands were shaking when I read the incredible story. It moved me deeply and motivates me every day anew to constantly improve our reading system.
Apple Inc.
We thank Apple Inc. for the Lifehacks mention and look forward to an exciting journey with our globally unique reading system Bionic Reading®.
Your story here?
Tell us your story that you experienced with Bionic Reading®. Whether happy, sad, motivating or scurrile. We are looking forward to your personal experience.
Tell Your Story
Future needs origin.
Future needs origin.
Just the original for your users. For your business. For your success.
Know-how from 3 generations of letterpress printing. Quality is craftsmenship. Swiss Typography. Bionic Reading® means 15 years of research and development.
For us, the benefit to society is the most important thing. Our society is diverse. We are individuals. And we like that. For this reason, it is important to us to develop products that can be individually adapted to the needs of our users, readers and consumers.

Among the award winners, in the category “Excellence in Business to Business” of the German Innovation Award 2023, with the highest distinction of “Gold”, is Bionic Reading®. The more experienced the users become, the faster and more efficiently they can read. This is why it also makes sense that the reading mode can be set individually. Our world is not about to slow down. However, tools like “Bionic Reading®” help us to continue to keep pace with developments.
Excellent Communications Design.

The “Gold” distinction of the German Design Awards is the highest distinction, awarded for excellent, comprehensive and innovative design work. As leading trailblazers, “Gold” title holders provide crucial stimulation for entire industries.
Growing together.
Contact us.
We do not think that everyone can and must be able to do everything. We rather think that everyone who enjoys what they do is good at it and can be a part of the big thing.
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