Bionic Reading®
for Publisher.
For the revolution in publishing. Whether analog Books or digital eBooks.
Bionic Reading®
for Publisher.
For the revolution in publishing. Whether analog Books or digital eBooks.
Bionic Reading® is for your readers.
“I have always struggled with reading and I am able to read faster than my sister with Bionic Reading®. I am begging yall to please get this format on Amazon Kindle.”
“I’ve just came across this website thanks to ‘Reeder’. I find this absolutely amazing and was wondering if there is any way I could use this to read eBooks?”
“When I first read this text about Bionic Reading® it made me cry! I couldn’t believe how easy it was to read. I was so excited as this is a game changer for me. My husband brought me a Kobo tablet and I rebought one of the many books I want to read but find to tiring/difficult. Unfortunately to my great disappointment I cant convert books as they see protected by copyrights. Is it possible for me to buy ebooks and convert the text so I can actually read them? This is by FAR the easiest text I’ve ever seen. If you can, please help.”
“WOW! I was able to read quickly and fluently with Bionic Reading®. It allowed me to understand the context of the paragraph much better than when I have to squint and focus on every word, which not only tires me out, but also makes me lose track of what I’m reading. Bionic Reading® is brilliant!”
“I haven’t read fiction for 20 years. I read what I needed to read. It almost hurts my brain to read normal font. But now I’m going to read fiction again! Bionic Reading® works for me and I can read 2–3 times faster! AMAZING! This is a LIFE CHANGER! Thank you so much!”
“I’m a high school student (18, obviously reads many papers/books) and have been using mac for 12 years, alongside iPad and iPhone, and productivity and minimalism are what I value the most. I learned about Bionic Reading® through the Reeders news app. As soon as I toggled the Bionic Reading® function, I was stunned by how quickly I could read. Jaw-dropping.”
“Hi there. I learned of you project through ‘Reeder’ and I really like it. Being dyslexic this really helps me reading a lot faster than I normally do. Keep up the great work and hope to see you on Safari soon.”
“Your tool is gorgeous, It’s helping me a lot. My sight is reduced because one of my transplanted corneas has become opaque and Bionic Reading® is helping me a lot to read easier and comprehend faster.”
“For years I have struggled in school with reading and comprehension after a short period of time. I used to read super fast, then it all went downhill after 3rd grade. I was devastated that I couldn’t experience books like the other kids, because I did love to read, but it became more of a chore than anything with my disability. When I discovered Bionic Reading®, it honestly felt like a dream come true. I will be starting college confident in my ability to learn and process when taking online classes. This will help me in day-to-day life. I only wish it was available sooner!”
Who doesn’t want to stand out with their books?
For the revolution in publishing. Whether analog Books or digital eBooks. Not only offer something new to your existing customers, but also attract new customers as an innovative book publisher with Bionic Reading®.
Why break old patterns?
More than 15% of the population has serious difficulties reading and understanding texts (ADHD, Dyslexia). We have received feedback from those affected that thanks Bionic Reading® because they immediately understood the content of various texts the first time, they read them, which was impossible without Bionic Reading®. This is pure motivation and also a responsibility towards society, which we are happy to fulfill.
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Why should you choose the brand “Bionic Reading®”?
The brand “Bionic Reading®” already has global appeal and is linked with positive associations by a wide variety of communities. Our measurements have shown that at least 1 billion people worldwide have already come into contact with Bionic Reading®.

©Images eReader:
Amazon Kindle, Rakuten Kobo, PocketBook.
Other important facts and figures about the global brand “Bionic Reading®”.
882+ Million
TikTok search results for the brand Bionic Reading®.
1+ Billion
- people who have already come into contact with the brand Bionic Reading® at least one time.
233 Countries
from which our Bionic Reading® users come.
5.9 Million
website visitors on “”.
3 Platforms
with viral posts from the social media communities.
50+ viral posts
by users in the respective communities.
Bionic Reading® has already won two gold awards, the highest possible accolades.
German Innovation Award, 2023
Gold in the category “Excellence in Business to Business” for “Information Technologies, Functional Software”.
German Design Award, 2023
Gold in the category “Apps” for “Excellent Communications Design”

Inscription on the Trajan’s Column in Rome with the manuscript Capitalis Quadrata; known as “Capitalis Monumentalis”.
What does the Bionic Reading® license agreement include?
The license agreement regulates the provision of the “Bionic Reading® Source Code” for integration in the respective system or the Bionic Reading® software “Bionic Reading® Plugin” for Adobe® InDesign as well as the granting of the necessary rights of use for both the “Bionic Reading® Source Code” or the “Bionic Reading® Plugin” for Adobe® InDesign and the trademark rights in the contractual territory.
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What are the requirements for using the “Bionic Reading® Plugin”?
Version Bionic Reading® Plugin
The current version of the Bionic Reading® Plugin (UXP Plugin) is compatible with Adobe® InDesign versions 19.0 (October 2023) and 19.1 (December 2023).
Development Bionic Reading® Plugin
The development of the “Bionic Reading® Plugin” is currently focused on following Adobe’s® “n-1” support policy and is compatible with the previous version of Adobe® InDesign.
Software Adobe® InDesign
The current versions of the Adobe® InDesign software can be accessed via the following link: Adobe Release Notes
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old patterns.
new things.