Bionic Reading®
for Selfpublisher.

Whether analogue books or digital eBooks, with Bionic Reading® you can revolutionize reading for your customers.

Available soon

Bionic Reading®
for Selfpublisher.

Make your own books even more extraordinary with the “Bionic Reading® Edition”.

Who doesn’t want to stand out with their own books?

Whether analogue books or digital eBooks, with Bionic Reading® you can revolutionize reading for your customers. Not only offer something new to your existing customers, but also attract new customers as an innovative Selfpublisher with Bionic Reading®.

Why break old patterns?

More than 15% of the population has serious difficulties reading and understanding texts (ADHD, Dyslexia). We have received feedback from those affected that thanks Bionic Reading® because they immediately understood the content of various texts the first time, they read them, which was impossible without Bionic Reading®. This is pure motivation and also a responsibility towards society, which we are happy to fulfill.

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Why should you choose the brand “Bionic Reading®”?

The brand “Bionic Reading®” already has global appeal and is linked with positive associations by a wide variety of communities. Our measurements have shown that at least 1 billion people worldwide have already come into contact with Bionic Reading®. 

Bionic Reading® for Publisher

©Images eReader:
Amazon Kindle, Rakuten Kobo, PocketBook.

Other important facts and figures about the global brand “Bionic Reading®”.

882+ Million

  • TikTok search results for the brand Bionic Reading®.

1+ Billion

  • people who have already come into contact with the brand Bionic Reading® at least one time.

233 Countries

  • from which our Bionic Reading® users come.

5.9 Million

  • website visitors on “”.

3 Platforms

  • with viral posts from the social media communities.

50+ viral posts

  • by users in the respective communities.

Bionic Reading® has already won two gold awards, the highest possible accolades.

German Innovation Award, 2023

  • Gold in the category “Excellence in Business to Business” for “Information Technologies, Functional Software”.

German Design Award, 2023

  • Gold in the category “Apps” for “Excellent Communications Design”

Capitalis Monumentalis

Inscription on the Trajan’s Column in Rome with the manuscript Capitalis Quadrata; known as “Capitalis Monumentalis”.

What does the Bionic Reading® license agreement include?

The license agreement regulates the provision of the Bionic Reading® software “Bionic Reading® Plugin” for Adobe® InDesign as well as the granting of the necessary rights of use for both the Bionic Reading® software and the trademark rights in the contractual territory.

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What are the requirements for using the “Bionic Reading® Plugin”?

Version Bionic Reading® Plugin

  • The current version of the Bionic Reading® Plugin (UXP Plugin) is compatible with Adobe® InDesign versions 19.0 (October 2023) and 19.1 (December 2023).

Development Bionic Reading® Plugin

  • The development of the “Bionic Reading® Plugin” is currently focused on following Adobe’s® “n-1” support policy and is compatible with the previous version of Adobe® InDesign.

Software Adobe® InDesign

  • The current versions of the Adobe® InDesign software can be accessed via the following link: Adobe Release Notes

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old patterns.
new things.

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