Did you know that your brain reads faster than your eye?
We humans store learned words and so just a few letters are enough to recognize whole words.
old patterns.
new things.
old patterns.
new things.
For us, the benefit to society is the most important thing. Our society is diverse. We are individuals. And we like that. For this reason, it is important to us to develop products that can be individually adapted to the needs of our users, readers and consumers.
Bionic Reading® Support.
The example shows one of the countless variants of Bionic Reading®.
One text.
Your focus.
Read individually.
The Bionic Reading® reading method can be individually adapted to the needs of all readers. This flexibility allows Bionic Reading® to provide maximum customization for all users.

As before

Reading mode
Bionic Reading® (variation)

Use your brain to your advantage.
Your brain is a super computer and does a very great job at reading.
Bionic Reading® revises texts so that the most concise parts of words are highlighted. This guides the eye over the text and the brain remembers previously learned words more quickly.
Save precious time.
Gain advantages.
Learn new things faster.
Expand your knowledge.
Improve your skills.
Noise-free with more focus.
Less distraction.
Bionic Reading® means Fixation, Saccade and Opacity.
With the Fixation you define the expression of the letter combinations.

Strong Fixation

Low Fixation

Fixation takes into consider the respective word length and categorizes them into long, medium-length and short words.
With the Saccade you define the visual jumps from Fixation to Fixation.

Much Saccades

Few Saccades

Narrow text columns tend to require fewer Saccades. Wide text columns tend to require more Saccades.
With the Opacity you define the visibility of your Fixation.

High Opacity

Low Opacity

High Opacity results in strong visibility of the Fixation. A low Opacity reduces the visibility of the Fixation.
Fine details.
So that you can refine your text even more, you get more options.

Font Size

Line Height

Letter Spacing

Column Width

The settings of the tools are already configured for optimal readability.
That’s what’s behind Bionic Reading®.

Tap here to read the text.
A warm “Grüezi” from Switzerland. My name is Renato. I am the founder and creator of Bionic Reading®. It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself shortly, because we are developing a product for you. For people of all colors. And that’s why it’s only right and important for us to let you know who’s behind the product. Namely also a human being.
As already mentioned, I come from Switzerland. I am a typographic designer and have been dealing with type, form and how text can be optimally received for over 29 years.
How I came to Bionic Reading® is a somewhat strange story. During my studies, I was asked to design a book for a Swiss bestselling author. A small competition at our school. However, this book author did not write his texts in written German, but in a form of the Swiss language, which I did not understand with reading. So I noticed that I have great difficulties to read the text.
It was different when the author told something in his own language. There I could absorb every word and immediately understood the context. That is, by listening, my brain knew this language very well. But when I read, of course, that was gone, because we absorb textual information through the eye. I then realized what the reason for this could be. I never read in this language, so my brain doesn’t have a vocabulary that it can match.
And I had to change that. I then realized that I only need single fragments of the words to tell my brain: hey, you know a very similar word. So use that. Because it has the exact same meaning. I then converted word by word into Bionic Reading® and translated it for my brain, and could suddenly read and understand the whole text. Small studies at school then showed that this form had another side effect. Namely, my classmates could also read faster as a result.
That was the beginning of taking a closer look at Bionic Reading®. I now wanted to find out for whom this form of reading is also very helpful and created smaller test products. And look, I and my classmates were not the only ones who wanted to use this individually customizable form of reading.
There were CEOs, students, moms and dads, people from every conceivable background in society. They were people with reading difficulties. People who read very much or very little every day. The feedback was incredible.
And now we are launching our first product and hope you like it. We know that this is just the beginning. We have the path in front of us. But the end is still a long way off.
Good luck and have fun with Bionic Reading®. Take care and stay healthy.
Ciao from Switzerland.
Or tap here and watch the movie with subtitles in YouTube.
The original.
Bionic Reading®
Only the original is good enough.
Know-how from 3 generations of letterpress printing. Quality is craftsmenship. Swiss Typography. Bionic Reading® means 16 years of research and development.
1,000,000+ readers use our reading system.
And that is the beginning.
We have the path in front of us.
The end is still a long way off.
But we have big plans.
For us, the benefit to society is the most important thing. Our society is diverse. We are individuals. And we like that. For this reason, it is important to us to develop products that can be individually adapted to the needs of our users, readers and consumers.