The intellectual property of the Bionic Reading® method is protected by patent rights, copyrights, and trademark rights. Bionic Reading AG is an authorized partner of BRCG Casutt GmbH and develops, distributes and commercializes the Bionic Reading® products. BRCG Casutt GmbH, Masanserstrasse 194, CH-7000 Chur, Switzerland, is the exclusive rights holder of Bionic Reading®.
Bionic Reading AG
Masanserstrasse 194
CH-7000 Chur
Authorized representative managing director
Renato Casutt
Masanserstrasse 194
CH-7000 Chur
Company details
Bionic Reading AG
The company’s registered office is in Chur, canton of Graubünden, Switzerland.
Entry in the Commercial Register: CHE-369.166.250.
Jurisdiction is Chur, canton of Graubünden, Switzerland.
Bank details
Bank account for payment in EURO and CHF
Graubündner Kantonalbank
P.O. Box
CH-7001 Chur
Bionic Reading AG
Masanserstrasse 194
CH-7000 Chur
IBAN: CH71 0077 4010 4522 7550 1
BIC (Swift): GRKBCH2270A
Clearing-Nr.: 774
Bank account for payment in US Dollar
Graubündner Kantonalbank
P.O. Box
CH-7001 Chur
Bionic Reading AG
Masanserstrasse 194
CH-7000 Chur
IBAN: CH44 0077 4010 4522 7550 2
BIC (Swift): GRKBCH2270A
Clearing-Nr.: 774
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Image credits
©Ottomar Anschütz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
Responsible for the content
Bionic Reading AG
Renato Casutt
Masanserstrasse 194
CH-7000 Chur